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ThePragmatic's picture

Perhaps we need a meme-topic?

In honor of Bill O'Reilly, I could not resist making a meme:

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Travis Hedglin's picture
"...Bill Oreilly. He is a

"...Bill Oreilly. He is a great, smart and perceptive commentator of truth.."

Oh... Wow... You really think that a guy that couldn't be bothered to do a 2nd grade level of research on the tides is a "great, smart and perceptive commentator of truth"? That explains quite a lot...

cmallen's picture
Ha! I remember that one

Ha! I remember that one about the tides.

Nyarlathotep's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Sould have added this link to

Sould have added this link to begin with.

Since it's Fox News, there's not much to hope for. But I hope loses his job.

Nyarlathotep's picture
ThePragmatic's picture


Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Nice one

Nice one

Travis Hedglin's picture
"Your all socialists, lefties

"Your all socialists, lefties, and communists."

I am actually a capitalist democratic centrist, but hey, why actually actually address the point when attacking the person is so much easier in this case. After all, considering we all know of Bill already, it would be impossible for you to blow enough smoke up our ass to make us believe that he is either smart or perceptive.

"Bill Oreilly knows the truth about domestic and foreign policy."

Now I know your delusional, next you will tell me the Newt Gingrich was actually faithful to his wife.

"When the rich get richer it trickles down and everyone gets rich."

Trickle-Down Economics: The government plot to trick the poor an uneducated into believing that the rich will spend more simply because they make more, next you will be asking for flat-rate taxes and more tax loopholes for corporations. Good to know that Fox News is still good at selling Eskimos fire insurance.

"Oreilly would destroy ISIS with a nuclear bomb and they will all be dead."

Hey, do remember when we formed NATO right after WWII? It was predicated on a nuclear armistice treaty that helps protect us from also getting nuked. If we break it, it would be tantamount to declaring nuclear war on the rest of the planet with an open threat. It would take a complete idiot to think this was a good idea.

"You just don't know how great Bill Orreilly is."

Talking to you, I am beginning to get the gist of it, let him know that my cousins have a car dealership that we would love him to work for.

"God Bless and trust Jesus and you will know salvation"

Thank you for thinking that will actually do something.

ImFree's picture
The trickle down topic

The trickle down topic reminded me, did they ever find the oil...whoops...I mean weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? he he he

ThePragmatic's picture
Go home evolution, you're
mysticrose's picture
Funny memes! Love this thread

Funny memes! Love this thread!

ThePragmatic's picture
No evolution for mehttps://s
cmallen's picture
What would Jesus-cat do?
Nyarlathotep's picture
CyberLN's picture
Fist bump.

Fist bump.

Nyarlathotep's picture
another forum member you

another forum member you might recognize:

ThePragmatic's picture
Proselytising aliens:http:/
Nyarlathotep's picture
someone else we all know and

someone else we all know and love:

Nyarlathotep's picture
guess who?https://i.imgflip
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
CyberLN's picture
10 points, Prag!

10 points, Prag!

ThePragmatic's picture


ThePragmatic's picture
Passive atheist?
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Creflo Dollar is still trying

Creflo Dollar is still trying to get his $65 million dollar private jet.

ThePragmatic's picture
The End Boss, "pull their tax

The End Boss, "pull their tax exemption"

Austin Hodge's picture
God bless America?http://i176
ThePragmatic's picture
I don't even live in the US,

I don't even live in the US, but it still makes my jaw drop that such a large part of the population are seemingly unaware of the true opinions of the Founding Fathers. I guess it is a testament to the effectiveness of religious indoctrination.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It is the power of

It is the power of misinformation and propaganda that most underestimate.


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