Matt Dillahunty vs William Lane Craig

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Luther's picture
Thanks for posting the

Thanks for posting the youtube link. I hadn't watched in online before. (I actually spotted myself in the crowd.) This video is the first night of the debate forum. It actually went on most of the following day as well, but included other qualified speakers, for both sides, while Carroll and Craig gave responses and rebuttals to each speaker. I appreciate this Baptist seminary for having this yearly forum between believers and non-believers. The seminary conducts the forum with fairness and doesn't get preachy with the audience. They just let the speakers debate and say what they will. I have a lot of respect for that, as well as for the speakers on both sides who generally handle themselves well. I went to other forums here in the past, including one with Michael Shermer debating life after death, and one with Bart Ehrman debating the validity of the New Testament. These debates actually contributed to my de-conversion process. I hope to attend more in the future, depending on the subjects.

ImFree's picture
I just wanted to commend you

I just wanted to commend you for being open-minded Conner. Like you, I was surrounded by religious people but after having access to facts and evidence to the contrary I realized what I had been subjected to as a child was not true. Blind faith is not a virtue.


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