Is materialism a real theory? Do most atheist believe in it?

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arakish's picture
And I have been there.
Cognostic's picture
Sniffing the air..........
CyberLN's picture
I just caught up reading the
rat spit's picture
Did I mention there’s an
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit Re: "Did I
Cognostic's picture
Yea, you mentioned it. We
xenoview's picture
@rat spit
Sheldon's picture
"Did I mention there’s an
rat spit's picture
Do you, perhaps at work, have
Nyarlathotep's picture
rat spit - Joan of Ark; Jesus
arakish's picture
rat spit
Sheldon's picture
You're either barking mad, or
rat spit's picture
Or I am part of the 4% of the
Sheldon's picture
"Or I am part of the 4% of
rat spit's picture
It’s a fucking statistic
arakish's picture
@ rat spit
Cognostic's picture
DSM-IV: Dissociative
rat spit's picture
When asked why they don’t
rat spit's picture
The disorder you bring up is
arakish's picture
rat spit: "I can’t recall all
Cognostic's picture
rat spit's picture
Well. If you would like to
arakish's picture
@ rat spit
rat spit's picture
Ok. That doesn’t suit your
arakish's picture
@ rat spit
rat spit's picture
I’ve had deep depression with
arakish's picture
rat spit: "Indeed, the heart
rat spit's picture
I’ve done everything I need
Sheldon's picture
"do you ever have intrusive
Sheldon's picture
This is an argument from


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