In a Lot of Pain, Guys

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rat spit's picture
In a Lot of Pain, Guys

I just wanted to let you guys know; I might not be dropping by for a while. Over the next few weeks I’ll be undergoing some intense psychological counselling and physiological therapy.

Last night, I ... it’s hard to say this ... I put on a penis ring that was three sizes too small for me. With total disregard for life and limb I downed ten or twelve extra strength Cialis.

For the next seven hours, I was in some intense pain. I tried thinking of baseball. I watched videos of cats. At one point I even watched some ISIS videos of Middle Eastern Men having their heads hacked off. None of it worked. The erection was ... was the most devastating erection I’ve had in a while.

I finally went to the hospital where they administered a concentrated dose of snake venom into source of my pain. Within minutes I was counting my blessings and back to normal. But I may never be the same.

I’ve always prided my self on having a larger than average penis compared to the national average size of penises in my country. Now my penis has a severe bend in it.

I know you guys don’t believe in prayers; but look up at the night sky for me. If you see a shooting star - keep me in your thoughts. And to all the theists on this website - if there’s one guy right now who could use our mighty LORD’s support - it’s me.

Needless to say - “Butt Pirates 3” might never happen. I lost my University funding for the project. All of my main cast has moved on to other productions.

Best Regards,

rat spit

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Cognostic's picture
@Yep. Injury to the penis
rat spit's picture
The Over Lord has saith:
Cognostic's picture
@Ratty. I have had a lot of
rat spit's picture
Well, obviously I pray to
Cognostic's picture
@Ratty... In all honesty,
rat spit's picture
I have seen the truth and the
Cognostic's picture
@Ratty: RE: "What does
rat spit's picture
Girl friends? Plural? You
Tin-Man's picture
rat spit's picture
Hmm. That gives me another
rat spit's picture
How did this thread get so
Cognostic's picture
@rat spit: It's probably all
rat spit's picture
Cognostic's picture
Ratty: What a woman!!!
rat spit's picture
“The unexamined life is not
Tin-Man's picture
@Ratty Re: "...changing the
rat spit's picture
Cognostic's picture
rat spit's picture
Yes. Yes. Don’t make me blush
Cognostic's picture
@Ratty: Anyone can walk away
rat spit's picture
Indeed. My friend is
Cognostic's picture
@RATTY: If it works for you,
Asclepius32's picture
Best of luck in life bro. I
rat spit's picture
The Buddha had a perfect, if
Grinseed's picture
On the topic of the penis, I
Tin-Man's picture
chimp3's picture
@rat spit: From a 60 year old
Earth's picture
All will heal oh ratty one.


Attach Image/Video?: 

rat spit's picture
Wow. Jim Morrison was quite
Kreston's picture
For pain relief, you can try


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