Looking for respectfull Atheist to talk about God

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Govinda's picture
Looking for respectfull Atheist to talk about God

Hi, Im a Theist that enjoys a good talk.

I enjoy talking with smart and respectfull persons with diferent beliefs.

Im a bit diferent than the average theist, so you migth learn something new as well.

Just as a note, I wont reply to any unpolite coment, so if you think im retarded just for beliving in God and you have no intención on a two ways dialogue then dont bother to write. Also english is not my first language ,I undertand it quite deeply sadly im not a writer hehe

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xenoview's picture
@mystical theist
Govinda's picture
First we will need to define
Tin-Man's picture
Hola, Mystical Theist.
Govinda's picture
I'm not familiar with the
Tin-Man's picture
@Mystical Re: "I'm not
Govinda's picture
Interesting. I will reach
David Killens's picture
@ Mystical Theist
Govinda's picture
If there is a God then by
David Killens's picture
@Mystical Theist
Sheldon's picture
Mystical Theist "If there is
boomer47's picture
The word "pagan" comes from
CyberLN's picture
Mystical theist, please
Govinda's picture
Is quite simple, I expect you
Cognostic's picture
Mystical Theists: Let's
David Killens's picture
@ Mystical Theist
Govinda's picture
Is quite simple, I expect you
CyberLN's picture
So, your ideals are nor to be
Govinda's picture
You can think whatever you
CyberLN's picture
Mystical theist, you wrote,
Cognostic's picture
Mystical Theist: We do not
Cognostic's picture
@Mystical Theist: How would
Govinda's picture
In your own website says that
Govinda's picture
Also I'm not here to prove
Cognostic's picture
@Mystical Theist: *tick-tock
Govinda's picture
What you mean?
Govinda's picture
If I click the small message
Govinda's picture
I'm confused. If I click the
Tin-Man's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Mystical Theist: Everyone
Govinda's picture
I will repost my first awnser


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