Ello all :)
.. So I have found myself chatting about religion (as we do!) with a friend who is certain that I am not Atheist, I am agnostic.. I'm confused..
It came about after some general conversation about the madness (no better word for it) of religion which led to a point where I said something like this: "well look at what we know so far, it is pretty obvious that we are a very small part of something much bigger. There is some form of energy, which our conscious and unconscious decisions directly affect in one way or another, but the one certainty is that we don't know what this is" .. To which he replied: "So you're not Atheist, you're agnostic" .. We debated back n forth throwing definitions around and his take on Atheism is that Atheists believe in nothing, they are certain that when we die it's the end and that's that. But I am not certain of this, I know that I don't know. Does this make me agnostic? I basically know it doesn't, but this guy is one of the most intelligent people I know, so it made me question myself. Anybody had similar experiences?
To clarify; Atheism is the disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.. This doesn't mean I am certain that nothing happens when we die. I accept this as a high possibility, as I'm sure any logical thinker does, but there's literally no way to be certain. If this makes me agnostic, please let me know :)
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