Life Tabernacle Church Pastor Tony Spell

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David Killens's picture
Life Tabernacle Church Pastor Tony Spell

I just ran across this on CNN, and read with horror and shock at how selfish Tony Spell is, and how ignorant are his sheeples.

He is asking his members to donate their stimulus checks (even though he is aware many are struggling financially) to his church so he can pay his preachers and missionaries. They are eligible for those stimulus checks, but they choose not to file.

Tony and his band of con men defy the Governor's order banning gathering of over ten people, last month, police filed six misdemeanor charges against Spell, accusing him of violating the governor’s executive order.

His lawyer is in hospital with .. yup, Covid. Members have contracted and died from this disease.

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Cognostic's picture
I've seen this shit over and
David Killens's picture
@ Cognostic
boomer47's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cranky
algebe's picture
@Cranky47: I don't think we
Sheldon's picture
Maybe this terrible pandemic
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
It wont be the scum who
Sheldon's picture
Randomhero1982's picture
I see we have a Darwin award
Marishaananas's picture
I make money because I bet on
derlean's picture is a game
lilycollins's picture
When I don't have an internet

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