'Liberal media bias' yuck just typing that made me feel dirty.

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Lmale's picture
'Liberal media bias' yuck just typing that made me feel dirty.

Am i the only one who is sick to death hearing that damn phrase. Ive even seen people claim liberal media bias is the result of communist plans to conquer america obviously the clue here is things like accepting evolution and gay marriage.
Fox news only tells the truth 18% of the time its completely under control of the republicans (ill include some sources) the republicans seem to have forgotten its the job of reporters to report the news.
So when republicans say and do things that show they are basically just bible thumping ignorant drooling sexist racist homophobic bigots the news channels will fking report on it. All except fox ofc who's job is to spin the deranged ramblings of madmen.
If you act like twats the news will report you acted like twats the only bias i see is that of the truth.
The first source is a story the second is a video they cite the fact checking site that discovered this shocking statistic the shock ofc is that 18% of fox news is actually fact based bloody shocked me lol.



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Lmale's picture
Sorry i forgot to type
Zaphod's picture
You also forgot to call it
Zaphod's picture
18% is a unbelievable and I
Lmale's picture
The difference is we don't
Tomarr's picture
The bad news: All news is
Ellie Harris's picture
What am I supposed to debate
Jacob Johansen's picture
"Reality has a well-known
Zaphod's picture
Speaking of Faux news:
Lmale's picture
Yup the republican party has
Ellie Harris's picture
Not voting!? That's exactly
Ellie Harris's picture
Also not all conservatives
Zaphod's picture
Agreed! not all conservatives
Lmale's picture
Have you guys seen the news
SammyShazaam's picture
Why the hell are you watching
Lmale's picture
I dont i get notified
Frrank's picture
I do not take any of the news

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