let's give it a try

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aeirihannah's picture
let's give it a try

I have a faith that I have been sold on therefor any counter argument is in turn automatically invalid in my eyes. Not to say I wonot hear you out... it just wouldn't change my perspective. But my question is to all those non believers is... why do you want to find the non existence of a higher being instead of an existence? On this topic I'm confused as to why someone prefers to live their lives as if there is nothing to look forward to afterwards. If this is the case then why bother living at all. There is no point the entire existing earth is pointless. Or am u wrong? What is there to really look forward to if it's not eternal everlasting happiness. If I die and that's all... that's not eternal. It was just for a moment. So why? Open to listen to any opinion regardless of my own

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ImFree's picture
Just because you want it to
aeirihannah's picture
Evidence of what?
ImFree's picture
Of the existence of a god, if
Travis Hedglin's picture
"I have a faith that I have
aeirihannah's picture
You are type of person who
ImFree's picture
Travis was being honest and
Travis Hedglin's picture
"You are type of person who
aeirihannah's picture
Also reason is not proof of a
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Also reason is not proof of
science's picture
Theists think that having
science's picture
Theists think that having
aeirihannah's picture
I think their is a reason
Nyarlathotep's picture
argumentum ad populum
aeirihannah's picture
And that still goes around
Travis Hedglin's picture
To live.
Mitch's picture
I've often thought "What is
Pitar's picture
It's just the way of it for
Borp Schnorman's picture
Usually, when someone tries
rotiferuk's picture
"I have a faith that I have
CyberLN's picture
Andrew McArthur's picture
Do you not have any children?
Nyarlathotep's picture
Andrew McArthur - "Are you so
Thredder's picture
Thetruth, you ask why not
Luther's picture

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