I have heard the denigration of all sorts of things that actually should be valued instead of dismissed or mischaracterized.
Political Correctness is simply respecting others for who and what they are. It isn't giving someone extra privileges or anything of the sort.
What some call "wealth redistribution" is a dog whistle against equal opportunity. Mischaracterizing equal opportunity is just a form of racism.
Now many terms in our modern language have become "dirty" words.
Words like Liberal, Socialism, Communism, Equal Rights, Women's Rights, Environment, Animal Rights, Minority, Immigrant, Conservation, Federal Government, Social Justice & Responsibility, Evolution, and much more. They have taken on a connotation that they don't deserve. They have those labels because of the endless propaganda spewed by the extreme right.
Most people don't know what these terms really mean. They just repeat what they have learned from the propaganda that they have consumed.
The biggest problem is with the youth that is mislead. They have never had to pay taxes, have never had to be responsible for themselves or anyone else. They just live a comfortable life and complain about things that they don't know anything about and have had no experience with. Sure everyone has a right to their own opinion, but not every opinion is right. Especially those that have no experience or knowledge or what they are having an opinion on. They are just regurgitating what they have heard. How could they know what paying bills are all about, about wondering how one is going to make ends meet, how to take care of a family? They don't, but yet they shoot their mouths off as if they have done it.
It's the same with religious people. Now there is no way on earth that they have talked to a god, witnessed a miracle, had a prayer come true, had a real NDE, had a real "vision", or anything of the like. Yet, they scream at the top of their lungs that they have and that their god is real, and that facts are untrue just because those facts don't fit the narrative that they want to believe in. They won't conduct a rational conversation. At some point, their argument falls apart because there is always a giant gap that they cannot span. At that point, they resort to proselytizing or using some inane pat statement like "god moves in mysterious ways.
For me this becomes tiresome. Young inexperienced loud mouths telling me all about the world that they haven't even really lived in, and religious nuts arguing in circles of illogic.
I have met some conservatives that can have a good argument and some valid points, but those individuals always speak from experience and knowledge. I have even met a few (very few) believers that can talk about facts rationally, but they have always had the courtesy to not propose some batshit crazy nonsense.
So the next time one of you believers want to talk about an issue, remember that proselytizing or bible quotes only take away from your credibility. And when one of you youthful conservatives want to talk politics, you'd better be sure what you are talking about, and the fact that you don't have any experience with dealing with the real world. That you are speaking in hypotheticals and assumptions. That definitions are not always black and white. The gray area is in the experience and the reality.
People like to equate Hillary Clinton with Donald Trump. They call her baby killer and criminal and all sorts of things that are simply untrue. They are just regurgitating the crap they have heard from Fox or some other propaganda mill, where as Trump is defined by facts. We know that he is a racist by his own words and actions. We know that he doesn't respect women by his words and his actions. We know that he is a pathological liar by his words and his actions.
Now I could spend the time a successfully refute every accusation made about Hillary Clinton some thirty years of accusations. And I could produce all the facts about Trump, but I won't because you all know the truth. Trump is not fit for the job and may have committed treason.
Conservatism is based on self. Not self-reliance but self-importance and selfishness.
Liberalism is based on social responsibility and equal opportunity.
Religion is based on a myth.
Atheism is based on facts.
I just thought I would take the time to explain this. Maybe some will get it, and maybe not. I expect I will get a great deal of flack concerning what I have written, but it won't change the facts.
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