Last Word Game

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mykcob4's picture
Last Word Game

Some times we debate and sometimes we just argue. Inevitably when we do either a party is backed into a corner and has no reasonable explanation or reply. The stubbornness of that party usually resorts to, as CyberLN likes to say, "word-salad". Sometimes it's just an inane response but still, it is a post. It becomes a game of who gets the "last word."
So I propose a game of famous last word responses. They may be anything like "That is the way it has always been."
I'll start.

"Because I said so!"

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algebe's picture
When you're as old as I am,
Flamenca's picture
This is a low blow, given
algebe's picture
@Angiebot: "This is a low
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
how do you know
jonthecatholic's picture
xenoview's picture
We don't know
Flamenca's picture
1. Nonsense!
Randomhero1982's picture
"That's not what I meant"
ZeffD's picture
I'll let you have the last
MCDennis's picture
gods said it and i believe it
MCDennis's picture
jesus can
MCDennis's picture
he is risen
MCDennis's picture
praise the lord anyway
Flamenca's picture
Another one by mykcob4:
mykcob4's picture
Here endeth the lessen
Nyarlathotep's picture
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
"Wrong" - Donald Trump
Flamenca's picture
"I know words, I have the
kathleenkirvin271's picture
I recently played the Last
last reaction's picture
I recently played the Last
alexseen's picture
For my small startup, I

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