Knowledge is Evil

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jamiebgood1's picture
Knowledge is Evil

I was taught as a child that knowledge is the root of all evil. Also to have a child-like faith. Now Im thinking that as men were writing the Bible they realized that not many will buy into this shit. If we tell them to not seek out knowledge and think like a kid we can get most of them:)

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Truett's picture
I agree, JamieB. It is a
MCDennis's picture
I agree. In the holy babble,
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Agreed. That's where that
jamiebgood1's picture
Okay you read the right
mykcob4's picture
JamieB is spot on. The
Deidre32's picture
Some here know that I was an
Truett's picture
Deidra, I agree with your
mykcob4's picture
So glad to see that you are
Deidre32's picture
hahaha I laughed out loud for
curtisabass's picture
Deidre32's picture
You know, time is an
mykcob4's picture
@ Deidre
Pitar's picture
I John is still still holding
bigbill's picture
there is nothing wrong with
SBMontero's picture
@science follower: You're a
bigbill's picture
tell me sb what part of my
SBMontero's picture
@science follower: I'm sorry,
bigbill's picture
the post in summation states
SBMontero's picture
@science follower: well, if
bigbill's picture
okay sb the first is there is
bigbill's picture
bigbill's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Easter = the zombie holiday.
Conrad Gonzales Polintan's picture
Kreston's picture
I personally think that
demik's picture
I agree with the previous
Donnovan's picture
Well i don't think that
amityusa's picture
This is one of the best
siyakoli02's picture
We pick our young call girls
Donnovan's picture
I wouldn't agree to this,


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