Ken Ham is tweeting more religious nonsense.
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I think Ken Ham is taking a page from Trump's play book. Tweet out nonsense to fire up your faithful zealots that do not care about logic reasoning and evidence, but only that you communicate with them on subjects they want to agree with.
I think it's very telling that he says legislation isn't an answer.
Ken Ham is a known racist and an apologist for far right racist groups.
Which Christ cures racism? Is it the curly-haired, dark-skinned one with brown eyes, or the blond, blue-eyed one with long wavy hair? Or maybe the Italian one who looks just like Cesare Borgia?
Poly-jesus twits.
Yeshua was an ethnocentric bigot. He's not the cure for racism.
Are we surprised Ken Ham states these kind of things when he believes in a war mongering, racist, misogynistic evil tyrant of a god...., he also looks like the sort of person that if you told him to go fuck himself, he'd actually give it a try!
The fundamentalist Bob Jones University in South Carolina proudly flew the racist torch as long as possible until it was forced by the IRS to integrate in 1971 or risk losing its tax exemption