just a discussion

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aeirihannah's picture
just a discussion

So to first answer this question yes I believe in god, no I am not a Christian. I am no follower of religion however I believe in the bible. I have atheist friends Who I am friends with out of pure love. But I do no necessarily agree with their lifestyle choices I still care for them out of an obligation I feel I must have. Just like anyone else. There are just some things I'm not quite understanding of in atheism. do you not believe in ANYTHING? Is it just intelligent design? Is it because of a hard time with bible thumpers? Is it from abuse? what is the logical reason and proof of the non existence of God or anything related. What is the proof of a non intelligent design? Any answers I'd love to have a conversation about this with actual people who believe in non belief... (irony)

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Nyarlathotep's picture
thetruth1120 - "what is the.
aeirihannah's picture
Well actually there is proof
Nyarlathotep's picture
lol, then please present that
aeirihannah's picture
Of course to you I would be
Nyarlathotep's picture
still waiting for the proof..
aeirihannah's picture
The Easter Bunny (also called
Nyarlathotep's picture
1) reproducing someone else's
aeirihannah's picture
In the history of the Easter
aeirihannah's picture
Still waiting for your
science's picture
Why isn't it comparable..
aeirihannah's picture
It is clearly documented that
Nyarlathotep's picture
And see here is our first
aeirihannah's picture
If the person who had
aeirihannah's picture
If the person who had
ThePragmatic's picture
You are missing the point.
science's picture
Talking about "documentation"
rotiferuk's picture
1) So you believe in the
aeirihannah's picture
Because Christianity is
rotiferuk's picture
Are you claiming Christianity
aeirihannah's picture
Christianity is definitely a
science's picture
The bible also states that
aeirihannah's picture
So tell me... do you believe
Nyarlathotep's picture
thetruth1120 - "do you
aeirihannah's picture
Then make a living rose...
rotiferuk's picture
1) What do roses have to do
aeirihannah's picture
1. If you cannot create
rotiferuk's picture
1) ????
ThePragmatic's picture
Pardon my language here,
rotiferuk's picture
Intelligent design is a
aeirihannah's picture
How can anyone believe in


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