Just a Christian with some honest questions

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zfoor's picture
Just a Christian with some honest questions

Hey guys,

So, as the subject states, I am a Christian (Lutheran), and I've just been taking some time to test my beliefs and have been watching some videos. I came across this one:


I then left a comment on YouTube, but you know how long those can take to get a response, so I figured I'd just post my thoughts up on here to see what the other side thinks. Here was my response:

I wish I could question him personally on some of these points. I think at this point, I need more of a Christian vs. Atheism/Agnostic debate, as I am Christian, and because throwing the Bible and the Koran together as the same thing is not, for me at least, a starting point. So, I guess my first question would be how are the Koran and the Bible the same thing? 

Thanks for your answers :)

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mysticrose's picture
They are the same because
zfoor's picture
I see. So what makes the
CyberLN's picture
The christian bible is a
AH Tique's picture
The Holy Bible proves itself
liznees's picture
I need to ask you what is it
hermitdoc's picture
I really think a better
zfoor's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"I see. So what makes the
ChildofGod's picture
The try to prove that it is a
Nordic Fox's picture
If they were born in India...
zfoor's picture
I'll respond to Cyber first:
CyberLN's picture
So, genesis, are you a
AH Tique's picture
Nowhere in the Bible does God
zfoor's picture
Jeff, I forgot to respond to
Clockwork's picture
Actually, zfoor, your own
zfoor's picture
AH Tique's picture
There's no question about
Kataclismic's picture
That's actually a fascinating
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
hmm, k it seems that you are
Lmale's picture
Well said on fire as usual
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
thanks Lmale
CyberLN's picture
Well, if your book is
zfoor's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Lastly, to ask why any
zfoor's picture
Guys, I have some homework to
Clockwork's picture
I'm not sure I follow the
David Gregory's picture
Jumping back to this "The
Lmale's picture
True and funny well done.
Lmale's picture
Many animals display
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Zfoor, i'll answer your


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