Judging and judgement.

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mykcob4's picture
Judging and judgement.

The bible states "judge not lest ye be judged." A funny parable but a complete impossibility. Everyone judges....all the time. We make judgments for safety and opportunity. We size up people and situations. I defy anyone that says that they do not judge or even try not to judge.
"You can't judge a book by it's cover." That may be true, but people make a snap permanent judge based on appearance. Some studies say it takes less than a tenth of a second for a first and indelible impression.
People know that they are judged and adjust accordingly. In New York City have you ever wondered why so many people wear black? Black is intimidating. It's slimming. It's neutral and noncommittal. Black says "Hey I'm all business, I don't care about your nonsense, leave me alone, I'm too busy and I don't really care."
I find myself judging all the time. I try not to and actually feel guilty that I do, but I have learned to trust my instincts. Yes yes it is instinctive to judge.
So in judging we must learn how to act or not act on our initial judgement.
I have heard people say "I reserve judgement", but they don't really. They may have to do an internal debate, but it's a debate of whether their initial judgement is correct.
The purpose for a "perp walk" is to gain a public judgement that favors prosecution.
Many of you remember the O.J. trial. This nation was split down the middle. Okay O.J. was actually guilty, but the public didn't weigh the evidence, they made snap judgments based on race, on fame and popularity of the accused, on the unlikability of Mark Furman and his apparent racism. They judged Marcia Clark on how she looked not how well she prosecuted the case.
Personally I wouldn't care if Sarah Palin was actually intelligent, was a liberal progressive social democrat. I still can't stand to hear her speak with that whinny squeaky irritating voice.
So who among you say you don't judge?

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Sir Random's picture
Not me. I agree with you
ZeffD's picture
Perhaps there's a difference
mykcob4's picture
Absolutely correct. One of
chimp3's picture
I crack up when I see some
mykcob4's picture
I don't like tats nor do I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea was thinking on buying

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