Jo believes in unicorns and fairies.

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Sheldon's picture
Jo believes in unicorns and fairies.

Well either Jo believes in unicorns and fairies, or he can demonstrate objective evidence they dont exist, and offer rational arguments for their non- existence. Arguments and evidence of course that can't apply to his deity, or else Jo would be a dishonest hypocrite.

So Jo, please enthrall us all with your evidence and arguments for the non-existence of unicorns and fairies.

Or are your claims dishonest hypocrisy?

While you're at it I'd like your objective evidence that all the Hindu deities don't exist please. Indeed let's have your objective evidence for the non-existence of every deity humans have ever created, but evidence and arguments that obviously don't apply to your deity.

Off you go, Jo....

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Sheldon's picture
Everytime Jo repeats his
Tin-Man's picture
Flatland's picture
A new low, Sheldon. If we
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
So, why exactly is calling
Flatland's picture
Lalala, you this and you that
Sheldon's picture
Flatland "Lalala, you this
David Killens's picture
@ Flatland
Tin-Man's picture
Psssst.... *whispering*....
David Killens's picture
Fuck, that memo got lost
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon's picture
In Spirit's picture
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
And just what did I complain
David Killens's picture
@ AccretedMinutiae
Sheldon's picture
I'm off to the pub, do please
Sheldon's picture
Lion IRC's picture
I think mermaids and unicorns
David Killens's picture
@ Lion IRC
Sheldon's picture
Lion IRC "I think mermaids
Cognostic's picture
Jesus likes! I'm at work
LogicFTW's picture
Here ya go:
Sheldon's picture
Jo keeping us on tenter hooks
Apollo's picture
Unicorns don't have mass or
LogicFTW's picture
Wow, way to miss the point
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "Unicorns don't have
Apollo's picture
Yes, I think that belief in a
Sheldon's picture
Apollo "In order for one to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sheldon's picture
Apollo's picture
Proper distance of what


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