Jesus was not a physician. He supposedly healed people with magic not medicine. He cast demons into pigs but he never instructed his followers to boil their water before drinking. Did he not know about Salmonella typhus or Vibrio cholerae? Imagine the future suffering he would have prevented with that simple tip.
Jesus was not a Libertarian. When he cast those demons into the pigs there was no concern for the property rights of the pig herder. No sense of self responsibility and the need to reimburse the pig herder for his losses. As best as I can tell he also was a horsethief. Donkey thief, anyway.
Jesus was not a ladies man. He preferred the company of men.
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Jesus was not a friend of the family.
"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)
Well I`m glad to see you took out your bible, that`s now a start!!!!. now blow the dust off it. The passage you are citing is being misinterpreted, What Jesus is simply saying is that he should be the focus, The priority of ones life here. Because according to the Christian teaching is that there will be a judgement someday and what counts the most is what you did for him, And how much you loved him.Your family and acquaintances are of little help when in comparison to what God has to offer us. Our parents and friends can`t save us from the scourge of sin only Jesus can do that.
Why is it that a perfect all knowing god, directs a book to be written about him, leave his book open to so much misinterpretation and confusion, logic holes, reasoning flaws, contradictions, and out right lies? With so many versions that contradict each other?
Maybe because people wrote it (with no divine instruction,) and heavily edit it?
All the various holy books for the various religions drag down this god idea validity from: a non existent ethereal idea, all the way down to: "wow people read this and believe it?? This book is so incredibly flawed in a thousand different ways it doesn't add validity to this god idea it shows that it is insanity!"
@Simply agnostic: "The passage you are citing is being misinterpreted"
Jesus recruited Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, and John, who were fisherman and presumably breadwinners for their families. They left their families and followed Jesus. I don't see any expression of concern from Jesus about the effect on the families of losing four young workers in the prime of life.
Your English has improved dramatically, and your moniker has now switched to "simply agnostic," but you still seem to be preaching Christianity. Are you still the artist formerly known as "Billy" and "Science Follower"?
Sounds like jesus was a bad person, maybe even an asshole.
Xenoview chimp3 is really misleading you and only GOD knows how many others here. What Jesus simply did with the pigs and demons story is that my drowing the pigs he wanted people who eyewitness the event to become sorely reliable on him and his teachings. The bible hermanutics here is literal and figurative. It comes from reading the bible more it comes from having experience with the scriptures.
science follower
chimp3 is not misleading anyone. If jesus did cast those demons into the pigs that then drowned, then jesus was an evil person for killing someone else pigs. I have read the bible, that is what made me stop being a christian. The bible has evils acts committed by god and even more evil acts committed by gods followers. Do you have any proof jesus was real? Do you have any proof your god is real?
Jesus was also not tolerant of other ethnic groups. He was a bigot. Those pigs belonged to gentiles so he did not give a shit.
Yes contemporary scholarship both liberal and conservative state that Jesus lived, like greg ludeman bart ehrman, and others. If there was no Jesus then where did the movement known as Christianity come from? It just didn`t spring up for no reason. there are sources like tacitus who was a Roman historian who attest to Jesus. And others, so I don`t feel you have any warrant here to say that Jesus wasn`t a real person.His life is recorded in the Gospels from his birth his ministry and eventually his salvific death. Please come to Jesus, he will help you in your doubt and give you real meaning to life.
science follower
Please learn how to use commas when you write. Is the bible the only proof you have for jesus and god? What testable evidence do you have for either of them?
@science follower
There is NO Roman record of jesus, no Greek record of jesus, no Egyptian record of jesus, no Jewish record of jesus. The only record of jesus comes from the bible, a book compiled 4 centuries after the supposed event. Like Paul Bunyan, the myth has grown and been altered many many times.
Funny how you distinguish scholarship as being political. There is NO Liberal or conservative scholarship. There is factual history and revisionist history.
As far as Tacitus goes, I found no reference to jesus in the 'Ab excessu divi Augusti' sometimes called the 'Annals'.
Jesus was not a Christian.