Jesus vs Muhammad

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Russian-Tank's picture
Jesus vs Muhammad

I just spoke with a NDE expert, he said in his NDE research of many NDEs, about 13% of NDErs around the world say they encountered Jesus. That is higher than other deities, as there is yet to be a single case of a person seeing Muhammad or Krishna. However, in some Hindu NDEs, it was reported that they saw Yarmraj, the god of death. I'm not sure what to make of this. The number isn't too high, but it doesn't explain why Muslims don't see Muhammad. I know Muslims dream about Muhammad, and are quite proud of it if they do, as the Hadith mentions it. I would love to know why that might be. Islamic people usually have very similar NDEs to Christians in that they see a light, tunnel vision, usually happiness, out of body experiences, life reviews. The only main differece is the figures they encounter. I know there are almost no images of Muhammad, but if people can dream about him, and NDEs are dreams, they should be able to see him

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Grinseed's picture
Can you name this NDE expert?

Can you name this NDE expert?

CyberLN's picture
What qualities one as an NDE

What qualities one as an NDE expert?

chimp3's picture
Just the other day I was

Just the other day I was talking to an expert on talking frogs.

Tin-Man's picture
And RT's merry-go-round goes

And RT's merry-go-round goes round and round and round.... and round and round and round and..... Mmph! *gag* I'm getting motion sickness...

Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - there is yet

Russian-Tank - there is yet to be a single case of a person seeing Muhammad or Krishna.

It took me less than 10 seconds to find a NDE claim about someone seeing Krishna.

Why can't you see that you are being scammed?

mykcob4's picture
Another fucking NDE thread by

Another fucking NDE thread by guess who? Russian Tank. Geesh, get a life!

algebe's picture
@Russian Tank: "there is yet

@Russian Tank: "there is yet to be a single case of a person seeing Muhammad or Krishna"

I imagine that the vast majority of people who have these dreams keep quiet about them out of fear that PEOPLE WILL THINK THEY'RE NUTS. That applies double to people who fret over hearsay stories about other people's alleged dreams.

chimp3's picture
People who worship Krishna

People who worship Krishna see Krishna 24/7. They are really annoying in airports. Hari Bo!

Tin-Man's picture
"The wheels on the bus go

"The wheels on the bus go round-and-round... round-and-round.... round-and-round... The wheels on the bus go round-and-round, allll daaay long..."

Russian-Tank's picture
@Tin man, I know you don't

@Tin man, I know you don't believe in this stuff but the thing is it does seem Jesus shows up more than other dieties and i wonder if that gives Christianity a higher chance of being true than Islam

algebe's picture
@Russian-Tank: "i wonder if

@Russian-Tank: "i wonder if that gives Christianity a higher chance of being true than Islam"

Or maybe it means that Christians are more likely to be living in countries where you're unlikely to be stoned for saying the wrong thing about prophets and messiahs, etc. Maybe it's because Western culture has a huge tabloid/daytime TV industry with an insatiable appetite for woo woo bullshit.

chimp3's picture
Christians are the largest

Christians are the largest religious group globally. So, why would their religious hallucinations not be the dominant ones?

Tin-Man's picture
Actually, RT, they ALL have

Actually, RT, they ALL have an EQUAL chance of being true. Of course, that chance is pretty much ZERO, but at least they are all equal.

Sky Pilot's picture


Do people really see a character that resembles this in their dreams (NDEs)?

Cognostic's picture
"It doesn't explain why

"It doesn't explain why Muslims don't see Muhammad."
Why would they see Muhammad? Culturally they are not even allowed to draw his picture. Muhammad was a prophet, like Paul. On the other hand Muslims do have NDEs and see the throne of Allah. They do have NDEs and hear the voice of Allah. You are comparing apples and oranges. Jesus is the Christian God. Muhammad was a man and only a prophet of god, whose image is banned in Islamic culture.

Russian-Tank's picture
Ok so if they can see him in

Ok so if they can see him in dreams, they should be able to hallucinate him in ndes. One researcher from iran said he doesnt know either why they dont see him

mickron88's picture
you see that censored guy?

you see that censored guy? that's mohammed, you can't see him co'z he has no face

get it?

watch him in youtube Darkmatter2525 animations..


Attach Image/Video?: 

biggus dickus's picture
Looks like you posted this

Looks like you posted this exact same question on this site and this one 2 Apparently you keep changing your name.

Cronus's picture
Then again - there's fewer

Then again - there's fewer pictographic depictions of Mohammed about - as certain individuals will blow you up for printing such things.

Thus less people have less hallucinations with Mohammed's image in them.

Even in hallucination, most people lack in imagination or originality.

or as RT seems to be trying to prove - new threads.

biggus dickus's picture
Well, he definitely has an

Well, he definitely has an obsession with these things.

mickron88's picture
tell me about it.............

tell me about it...............

another few more days and?... another NDE thread is coming.
don't worry guys, it wont take long....there will be more...

just continue to surprise us Tank!!!!..
your a piece of work!

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