I live in a very Christian town were strange people like me usually keep to them selves. At work one day a co-worker who is very into his belief was kinda picking at me with it. So, I said, you know I think I'm going to write a controversial book and call it Jesus smelled like armpits too. You would have thought I had spit in his face he reacted so badly. First off, Jesus, if he existed, did smell like armpits. I mean, how much more obvious could you get? Secondly, I don't believe in this crap in the first place so no, I don't have to show some great respect for a fairy tale. So then why all the offense? If you can't accept the simplest parts of being human, how could you hope to understand the more complicated? If he was a man he sweated and stunk and farted and used the bathroom, and probably wiped with his left hand. I've read the bible, I went to catholic school, it was a class. The only thing I got out of it was love all, judge none. But that's all Christians seem capable of. Not all but most. If you offend their faith your actually hurting their feelings because you make them feel stupid. Ignorance does not equal stupidity. These childish rules from thousands of years ago can not take us into the future that they don't even believe in cause their waiting for their rapture. We are at a dangerous point in our evolution. We may not make it.
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