Jesus heals the Sick

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Mardze's picture
Jesus heals the Sick

I’m aware that I’m in an atheist community but since that this forum allows a theist like me, let me share my own healing experience with my faith in Jesus Christ. I’d been terribly sick few years ago and I thought I will never be healthy again but as I pray often and give my faith to Jesus, I was healed and now living and healthier than ever. I know atheists will view this as another foolish story but Jesus healed the sick people during his time and now he still heals the sick that no doctor in this world can do.

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watchman's picture
Interesting perspective ....
Johnathan Graham's picture
Watchman addressed that
Capt.Bobfm's picture
Pretty vague, aren't you ?
ex-christian_atheist's picture
When I hear a story of being
Spewer's picture
"I pray often and give my
Lmale's picture
When faith regrows lost limbs
watchman's picture
"Why bother" ...
Clockwork's picture
I always chalk it up to
mysticrose's picture
We're not sure if those
watchman's picture
"Watchman-I guess you missed
Lmale's picture
Personally i believe any non
Lmale's picture
By the way watchman i love
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
watchman, I am impressed with
Lmale's picture
Having read his posts and
Lmale's picture
I never claimed i was nice
Ellie Harris's picture
If you have no interest in
Zaphod's picture
So Mardze, if you don't mind
watchman's picture
kenny.marken ..
Mardze's picture
This is a debate room right?
Zaphod's picture
That's cool as long as your
Chuck Rogers's picture
I can add another healing of
Spewer's picture
"God can heal however He
Lmale's picture
Standing O well done.
John Ricks's picture
She has just had the dopamine
John Ricks's picture
John Higgins Jr's picture
i wonder if mardze knows how
Chuck Rogers's picture
Why would someone who knows
Chuck Rogers's picture
John Higgins Jr
CyberLN's picture
Years ago, I was aquainted
Chuck Rogers's picture
Unfortunately there are many


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