Jesus had a wife

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mysticrose's picture
Jesus had a wife

There are allegations that Jesus had a wife. If that’s true, why will the bible hide such truth? Moses, Abraham, David and other prophets had a wife too. So, what wrong if the messiah had a wife too? Will it make him less powerful?

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James's picture
gnostics gospels talk about a
mysticrose's picture
Mary Magdalene is always
Spewer's picture
That's a trick question,
SammyShazaam's picture
ginamoon's picture
It was right that why they
SammyShazaam's picture
How does the Virgin Mary
mysticrose's picture
What more was Mary? She was a
SammyShazaam's picture
Exactly what I'm talking
Trevor's picture
Jesus was just a regular guy
mysticrose's picture
Well, that's the case if he
efpierce's picture
Being a mother is tough
mattyn's picture
Exactly where did this
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed, I don't really have
firebolt's picture
This is why I love this forum
mysticrose's picture
For me, a married man who is
SammyShazaam's picture
That would be my opinion,
Rob Beasley's picture
This saying comes from the
deponed's picture
Oh my GOD that's why religion
SammyShazaam's picture
... I will never understand
deponed's picture
So what? Jesus is just a
ginamoon's picture
I think Jesus will definitely
Zaphod's picture
I think the whole Jesus Mary

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