Jacques Fresco

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Rob's picture
Jacques Fresco

This man brings some very interesting theories and ideas to the table in many different subjects. Oen particular video would like to share is his lecture on how our mind set and the current monetary system is the source of many of the serious problems with the world today. The footage is extended (over 2 hours) but well worth the time spent in my opinion.

Here is the lecture:

The basic concept revolves in the idea of uniting all the nations in the world. I'll be back to post some debates regarding the contents of the lecture once others see it. It's truly worth your time if you enjoy hearing people who open your mind to new possibilities and solutions to the problems.

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Walker's picture
Fresco has some good theories
SammyShazaam's picture
Really interesting video,
mattyn's picture
Money equals greed no matter
SammyShazaam's picture
I wish people would get rid
philljones22's picture
Loklok Latest Version lets
mike92's picture
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