Is it unreasonable to believe in a Creator?

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Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Is it unreasonable to believe in a Creator?

Is it unreasonable to believe in a Creator? It doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Here's my train of thought, a piece at a time:

1. In every case where the origin of a thing is known and undisputed, somebody dreamed it up and made it happen. Agreed?

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watchman's picture
Gerry ....
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Sorry for the confusion. At
Zaphod's picture
On your point number 1. I
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Zaphod says: On your point
Zaphod's picture
in response to Gerry's first
watchman's picture
No Gerry NO ... I point you
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
watchman says: No Gerry NO ..
Zaphod's picture
Note: Gerry we were open to
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Zaphod says: Perhaps you
Ellie Harris's picture
In answer to your # 1 no one
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Ellie Harris says, In answer
watchman's picture
"So why, then, do I bother to
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Here's a better and more
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Gerry, watchman argument is
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Jeff Vella Leone: A black eye
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Man, you are incredibly
Ellie Harris's picture
Sorry if I mistook what I
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gerry Rzeppa - Here's a
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Ellie Harris: Sorry if I
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Nyarlathotep says: [Your
Zaphod's picture
I am too willing to go along
Zaphod's picture
So moving on to point number
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gerry: "1. In MANY CASES
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Gerry: "1. In MANY CASES
Zaphod's picture
Lets say in the case of John
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gerry- Conclusion: It is not
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
Zaphod: As number 2 is stated
CyberLN's picture
Gerry: 2. In many cases
Zaphod's picture
I would say sure in many
Gerry Rzeppa's picture
CyberLN: LN: how many is many


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