Is it too much to ask?

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The antichrist's picture
Is it too much to ask?

I'm not looking for proof of God; merely some credible evidence. Is that too much to ask for?

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mysticrose's picture
I don't think that's too much
Travis Hedglin's picture
No, it is the perfect thing
Shock of God's picture
The most convincing and
Travis Hedglin's picture
This argument, if it was
Shock of God's picture
By examining what it means to
Travis Hedglin's picture
Nope. It would only lead to
Shock of God's picture
"It would only lead to the
Travis Hedglin's picture
"You seem to be
The antichrist's picture
If you are positing God as
Shock of God's picture
"Your argument states that
ThePragmatic's picture
The thread started with the
Shock of God's picture
"Stating that a "personal
Nyarlathotep's picture
It is a good argument. In
ex-christian_atheist's picture
Your first premise is
Shock of God's picture
Firstly, before I start, I
Nyarlathotep's picture
shock of god - " the Big Bang
ex-christian_atheist's picture
"Firstly, before I start, I
deluge123's picture
Shock of God: You're right.
Chuck Rogers's picture
There is evidence for God all
ThePragmatic's picture
I think some words got
Jayden Xray's picture
"There is evidence for God
Chris T.'s picture
There is no credible evidence
ThePragmatic's picture
This was a great little story
Autolite's picture
Cristian Theists will tell us
Travis Hedglin's picture
Ah, the problems of an
cmallen's picture
Q: Is that too much to ask?

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