Issue with code

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AUS-LGBT's picture
Issue with code

Hi I've run into an issue with CSS, my id's don't seem to work and I've tried all the solutions I can think of and the most I've done to change it is add a container around it lol. Any help would be much appreciated



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AUS-LGBT's picture
Here's my HTML if that helps


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
To apply styles to an HTML
AUS-LGBT's picture
Sorry I tried that and it
Grinseed's picture
Vanderbilt will be here any
arakish's picture
Sorry, it has to be in the
arakish's picture
Here is an old HTML file I
AUS-LGBT's picture
I tried adding my own style
arakish's picture
Can you show the code again?
AUS-LGBT's picture
&lt!DOCTYPE html&lt
AUS-LGBT's picture
Lol I tried the &It and that
arakish's picture
Looking at this, I do not the
AUS-LGBT's picture
arakish's picture
Miss AUS
AUS-LGBT's picture
I should have probably
arakish's picture
Where are the styles located
AUS-LGBT's picture
Line 45 - section id "boxes"
arakish's picture
Is the "image" directory
AUS-LGBT's picture
Sorry I mean when I took off
AUS-LGBT's picture
I learnt the . before the /
arakish's picture
OK. You got it. What about
arakish's picture
Miss AUS
AUS-LGBT's picture
Lol thanks and goodnight :)
AUS-LGBT's picture
Yeah, the id's still don't
AUS-LGBT's picture
Lol I figured it out XD I
arakish's picture
I knew you would get it
AUS-LGBT's picture
Thank you so much <3 I
Tin-Man's picture
*stumbling into room
LogicFTW's picture
Use pastebin or other
arakish's picture
Thanks again Logic. And
LogicFTW's picture


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