Israeli former atheist claims to meet Jesus in this experience. Ideas?

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Russian-Tank's picture
Israeli former atheist claims to meet Jesus in this experience. Ideas?

What would some skeptics say about stories like this where people of other faiths in other parts of the world claim to see Jesus?

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Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Wow! Okay...good for them I

Wow! Okay...good for them I guess.

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
The near death experience

The near death experience information makes me question the psychology of the kid. Loss of oxygen and blood to the brain being able to deliver potassium and sodium to the brain for proper brain function is a concern to the child's mental health and understanding of what the child thought was occurring.

Sky Pilot's picture


If Yeshua didn't look like this then the guy didn't see him =

chimp3's picture
I wonder where an Israeli

I wonder where an Israeli would get his head filled with Christian imagery? Israel perhaps?

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