Introdouching myself

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Wicked Clown's picture
Introdouching myself

Hello Kids!
I'm new here. My name is matt. I'm extremely disappointed in a God that hides himself and leaves us with a Bible that makes little sense and an enormous mess of Religions claiming they have the truth and those who believe differently are heretics. God does an extremely poor job of shepherding his flock and everyone who seeks the truth is lead to a different conclusion it seems. God has not shown himself to be trustworthy or dependable at all.

He is a terrible Father. He is the Father that just sits there and does nothing but watch his children get deceived, raped, tortured, murdered, and he just remains silent. What a monster!

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CyberLN's picture
Then why are you a theist?
Wicked Clown's picture
It's a long story. Many
CyberLN's picture
Instead of praying when you
Wicked Clown's picture
I have tutored children with
Danny Craft's picture
The opposite.. Keeping a
Wicked Clown's picture
So far I went from being a
SammyShazaam's picture
Sociopaths often turn to
Danny Craft's picture
Indeed, if any of the god are
Danny Craft's picture
That last one was actually my
Wicked Clown's picture
Yeah I don't like the layout
Lmale's picture
Me too ppl should just stop
firebolt's picture
Stop using reply. Got it! :)
Polly Ticks's picture
Welcome to the group, I'm new
Lmale's picture
There seems to be nothing
Polly Ticks's picture
Absolutely correct and you
Lmale's picture
Yes accusations of hatred
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
wicked clown
Bruce Birkett's picture
Jeff Vella Leone as i was
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Bruce i think you should be
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
mysticrose's picture
Hi, wicked clown, are you

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