Intelligence doesn't matter but being kind does

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Mikeykitty123's picture
Intelligence doesn't matter but being kind does

Being kind and caring and showing that being a good person matters most.
Not shaming others for their beliefs and make stupid claims.
Life is meant to be valued. Everything living thing has a spirit. There shouldn't be a need for evidence for that.
Everything is made for a reason. Life is no accident. We are born here for a purpose and we must seek it.
Atheism is never based on "factual evidence". Atheism never has any real truth behind it.
A world where magic exists and where anything is possible for me is more purposeful than just learning how much humanity has fucked up and "evolved" into empty organs with bones.
Reproduction doesn't matter. Humans are over-populated so we do not need to say life is just about being born.
Intelligent design doesn't come from chance, it comes from a unknown source that people do not know.
I would rather live in a fantasy world than live in a world filled with nothing but empty husks that have no reason to live.
Atheists hate creativity. They prefer to believe what they think is "real" and say anyone who believes otherwise are "ignorant".
Intelligence can only help you understand the world more, but yet that doesn't make you a superior person.
It is better to be kind and loving than be right.
Atheists, stop trying to prove others wrong and accept that there is a possibility that a deity could exist instead of relying on unknown claims that ether don't prove anything or proves very little.
The Big Bang does not claim God didn't exist. God says: "Let there be Light", and there was Light. The Big Bang is considered a expanding light that made the universe happen.
Miracles do happen, and they happen for a reason.
I am not trying to prove God exists, or that I am religious.
I am just saying nicely that Atheists tend to be kinda selfish with their beliefs.

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mickron88's picture
"I am just saying nicely that
Mikeykitty123's picture
A little off topic, but avada
mickron88's picture
"but avada kedavra is
Mikeykitty123's picture
I'm not here to make fun of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Michael - Everything living
Mikeykitty123's picture
I am not making shit up.
Aposteriori unum's picture
You made a whole lot of
mickron88's picture
its no use AU...hahah....that
Mikeykitty123's picture
There's a reason why the
Terminal Dogma's picture
Where do you believe life
Mikeykitty123's picture
I am more talking about how
mickron88's picture
"I'm not stupid."
Mikeykitty123's picture
My parents have sex and my
chimp3's picture
Michael: You did not grow in
Mikeykitty123's picture
You're right. No matter what
chimp3's picture
A weekend studying a grade
Mikeykitty123's picture
No. It won't. Nothing will
chimp3's picture
Your faux humility does not
Cognostic's picture
Stomach? How old are you?
Terminal Dogma's picture
Idiot here, can't see any
Mikeykitty123's picture
You claim that just because
Terminal Dogma's picture
Quote where I made such
Mikeykitty123's picture
Last time I was in this
Terminal Dogma's picture
Get professional help, srs.
Sushisnake's picture
David Killens's picture
Hello Michael, it is my
Mikeykitty123's picture
I'm a empty creature with
Sheldon's picture
Not a bad synopsis, maybe if
Mikeykitty123's picture
You are right. I am just a
Sheldon's picture
You said it champ, not me.


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