Intelligence and belief in God--John Lennox

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fiat124's picture
Intelligence and belief in God--John Lennox

I am sure there have been many posts about intelligence and "belief" in God. Mostly the more education you have the more likely you will be an atheist. One EXAMPLE I can't understand. JOHN LENNOX. JOHN LENNOX is a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. He speaks 5 or 6 languages. John Lennox is not just an ordinary Christian. John Lennox believes in the absolute interpretation of the birth, resurrection of Jesus, Noah and the arc..etc etc etc. I am not going to try to explain why this can be because all my attempts to explain my ideas is meant with ridicule. So I won't ….Maybe this post will encourage debate.. Don't criticize or make fun of my ideas.. I am such good, nice sensitive intelligent smart interesting, brilliant person...SARCASM--LAUGH

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Cognostic's picture
Being smart is not the same
terraphon's picture
Cognitive is absolutely
Nyarlathotep's picture
Terraphon - Some of the most
terraphon's picture
Cognostic's picture
I gotta join the stories here
fiat124's picture
Terraphon--That's exactly
terraphon's picture
fiat124's picture
Cognitive- I really really
Cognostic's picture
fiat - Low self esteem, need
Tin-Man's picture
Who the hell is John Lennox??
LostLocke's picture
Intelligence and wisdom are
fiat124's picture
Your comment is very
Tin-Man's picture
@Kenny (fiat) Re: "...but
arakish's picture
Another top tenner for Tin
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "But how does
Nyarlathotep's picture


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Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: " to you
Cognostic's picture
@ Tin /Nyar
comoke1024's picture
You may have seen this before


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LostLocke's picture
LOL, yep I love that one.
arakish's picture
@ Skeptical Kevin
Nyarlathotep's picture
Kenny(fiat) - ...Noah and the
fiat124's picture
Tin Man --Google John Lennox
Tin-Man's picture
@Kenny (fiat) Re: "John
fiat124's picture
TIN MAN=You are the smartest,
Tin-Man's picture
@Kenny (fiat) Re: "You are
arakish's picture
Tin-Man Re: "Smirk"
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tin Man
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: "You know just
Cognostic's picture
He thinks you will miss the


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