Indoctrination vs Education

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UnKnown's picture
Indoctrination vs Education

What's the difference?

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LucyAustralopithecus's picture
indoctrination is a form of
UnKnown's picture
Do you believe that atheist's
Kataclismic's picture
Indoctrination is the
mickron88's picture
Indoctrination vs Education
ZeffD's picture
I went to a sectarian "faith"
Cognostic's picture
Education relies on Critical
Ensjo's picture
The word gives it away:
algebe's picture
Indoctrination teaches you
Tin-Man's picture
@Algebe Re: Edu/Indoc/Rel
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
The difference is whose doing
David Killens's picture
The source does not define
Sapporo's picture
If you are certain you are
Sheldon's picture
Usually religion in my
Cognostic's picture
Indoctrination is learning
malinkastrong's picture
I believe that learning is
tomasgreen's picture
Allow me to offer assistance.
DarylDixon's picture
This forum topic is a
tristiansimmons's picture
No matter what anyone says,
TerryIU's picture
Education is a journey filled
ThomasColette's picture
It is important to remember
BeckerHugues's picture
Em GambleZoid Brasil, os
vadumsai's picture
Indoctrination involves

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