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shiningone's picture

I'm curious to know more about your thoughts on indoctrination. I'm sure you are aware it is not just a problem confined to religion. There is a far more insidious version of it that most of us here are still under the spell of. Insidious in as much as it is not so obvious and far more thought and resources have been used to promote it.
Indoctrination that has lead us all to believe that our governments in the west are the good guys, who care about us as people and only have our best interests at heart. They continue to invade countries and murder millions of men, women and children all in the name of "democracy"!

Thoughts ?



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Nyarlathotep's picture
shiningone - There is a far
Randomhero1982's picture
I'm more concerned with the
shiningone's picture
@ Randomhero1982
Randomhero1982's picture
You didn't explicitly say and
David Killens's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens,
LogicFTW's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
Very good and well made point
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
Here ya go Diotrephes. A


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sky Pilot's picture
dogalmighty's picture
"Indoctrination that has lead
shiningone's picture
@ doG
dogalmighty's picture
"Accusing me of paranoia is a
shiningone's picture
@ doG
HumbleThinker's picture
"Sure, I'll just condense 30
toto974's picture
LogicFTW's picture
David Killens's picture
dogalmighty's picture
You initially sounded
shiningone's picture
@ doG
dogalmighty's picture
Do you believe that the
shiningone's picture
dogalmighty's picture
@ Shiney
shiningone's picture
Listen doG, if you are
dogalmighty's picture
@ Shiney
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
"Listen doG, if you are
David Killens's picture
I lean towards shiningone.


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