Inconceivable God

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dlesar's picture
Inconceivable God

Hello all,

I've recently deconverted from Christianity. Tonight I was discussing a wide range of topics with my Christian parents. Overall, the responses boiled down to these three:

1) "I agree, and that bothers me." This is good, because they're questioning their beliefs, hopefully they don't leave it at that and hopefully they keep questioning.
2) "My experience is my evidence, and since you don't experience what I experience, of course you don't believe." I've tried explaining that you can not trust anecdotal evidence even if it's your own, and that as you add more anecdotes, they must tend to agree if there is truth behind them.
They say that God has shown them evidence enough to convince them that he exists, and that they hope and believe that God will show me evidence. Is there a competent response to this?
3) "God is so outside of our capability to understand him, you can't expect God to fit into our human system of logic."

This third response is related to the title of the post and is why I made the post. I'm not quite sure how to respond to this. If we don't have logic and reason, then what do we have at all?
It's very frustrating, because by denying logic's function, they have conceded the argument while believing that they have won the argument. And since they have denied logic, I can not say anything that will change their mind, since I adhere to logic.

What is your response to this line of thinking? I'm stumped for an answer.

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Mutorc S'yriah's picture
Hello RivetAce. Going by what
Sky Pilot's picture
dlesar's picture
@Mutorc S'yriah
Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@RivetAce Re: "3) "God is so
Cognostic's picture
RivetAce: "They say that God
dlesar's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Rivet Re: "They're not
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man
Cognostic's picture
To this my dad replied that
LogicFTW's picture
@RivetAce Original Post
Sheldon's picture
"They say that God has shown
xenoview's picture
Welcome to AR!
Nyarlathotep's picture
RivetAce - They say that God
Sapporo's picture
It is an odd notion that
Cognostic's picture
Animism? From Sapporo?
Sapporo's picture
Animism? From Sapporo? Really
Cognostic's picture
All is right in the world
Fallen's picture
I think the key to these
JazzTheist's picture
I'm a theist and I gotta say
Cognostic's picture
1. It's not our job to
JazzTheist's picture
Wow. Every single point is
arakish's picture
Breezy (posing as JazzTheist)
JazzTheist's picture
Show me evidence that I am '
Nyarlathotep's picture
We've had a LOT of sock
arakish's picture
@ JazzTheist
Sky Pilot's picture
JazzTheist's picture
This is an illogical response
Sky Pilot's picture
JazzTheist's picture
Do you think that I haven't


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