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The Intruder's picture

Christ "exposed a scam" that "was anti intellectual, anti science and anti reason, it kept people ignorant, dogmatic, closed minded, bigoted and hateful", and the "perpetrators just wanted him to go away quietly", but when he didn't, "ironically, the nastiest responses came from the current victims of the scam" who called for his crucification on a cross!

You guys would not see Christ as the education (the Word) that frees the "ignorant with a willingness to believe anything and learn from those who come before us", because, you are focusing on the "magic woo woo", and have "grown to believe in the same bullshit" instead of endeavouring to understand and comprehend it.

Thankfully, "this is changing". "The Internet has ensured the Logos, Word, Education, Christ etc, has definitely acted to make places a lot less insular and, perhaps, more open-minded".

I'd be surprised if you all see it that way though, because, like most, religion might have blinded your understanding. But do correct me if im wrong about you guys.

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David Killens's picture
@ The Intruder
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP again
FievelJ's picture
Wow, you are so very wrong in
watchman's picture
@Intruder .....
David Killens's picture
Just a little history lesson
The Intruder's picture
@David Killens, I'll just
David Killens's picture
@ The Intruder
The Intruder's picture
@David Killens, Christ is an
David Killens's picture
@ The Intruder
Whitefire13's picture
Firstly you named your thread
Cognostic's picture
@The Intruder: You said....
Nyarlathotep's picture
The Intruder - ...
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Intruder
Grinseed's picture
I only wanna say 'Nigeria'.
Sheldon's picture
Thanks for that link Grinseed
Whitefire13's picture
Old Man said “
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ white fire
Whitefire13's picture
Gotcha thanks for the clarity
Sheldon's picture
@The Intruder
Calilasseia's picture
So, do tell us all, mythology
Randomhero1982's picture
I still cant get passed this
Sheldon's picture
@The Intruder
Calilasseia's picture
I'm still waiting for any

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