'Imperialism-Religion-ism'... are they interlinked???? I'm confused :(

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nani24's picture
'Imperialism-Religion-ism'... are they interlinked???? I'm confused :(

Does religion play a role in imperialistic philosophies of various countries?? I'm really very confused. Can anyone please justify......

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mysticrose's picture
I don't think so. Imperialism
nani24's picture
..But policies of government
Spewer's picture
My opinion is that all
Zaphod's picture
Interesting, I never thought
SammyShazaam's picture
Very astute. I'm inclined to
Spewer's picture
Exactly. This is why warlike
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm digging madly right now
Spewer's picture
Thanks Sammy! :) I lack your
Zaphod's picture
Don't feel bad even those who
SammyShazaam's picture
Expressionism? Yeah, I'm an
mattyn's picture
In a round about way, it does
Zaphod's picture
Apparently, Makes one think
ginamoon's picture
I think it could be true on
Birdy's picture
In the run-up to the Spanish
Zaphod's picture
yeah a lot of wars are fought
mysticrose's picture
Hundreds of years ago, long
SammyShazaam's picture
Good point. When it comes to
Rob's picture
It plays a major role
mysticrose's picture
I'm just wondering if I would
William00's picture
I recently upgraded to an oil
JaneJLocane's picture
The relationship between

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