I'm starting to doubt if atheism is compatible with science

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DoubtingAtheism's picture
I'm starting to doubt if atheism is compatible with science

I'm starting to doubt atheism. I've come across a twitter account named Devon Shapiro who created a thread of scientific papers on religion and atheism


It seems that scientifically atheism is inferior to religion, and results in things like higher rates of depression, suicide, rape, murder, crime. It causes less happiness, increases drug abuse and alcoholism. I'm starting to think maybe Islam was right in banning atheism, maybe Saudi Arabia has a logical reason for criminalizing and killing atheists.

I was always told that science was the way to reason, but it looks like science is against the concept of atheism. I googled it myself to double check and it looks like all the scientific papers say atheism causes negative effects on public health and religion causes positive beneficial effects for civilization.

For example one study says

"Atheism and agnostic beliefs result in suicidal thoughts. Atheist doctors and non-religious hospitals also were more likely to recommend suicide to their patients."


Another large scale meta analysis says

"More religion results in lower alcoholism, marijuana use, smoking, crime, depression, anxiety, & results in higher self-esteem and well-being. Less religion results in the exact opposite and has an overall negative effect on life in all categories."


I've gone down a rabbit hole and have so many questions mainstream atheism never talks about, all of which seem to be a complete refutation to atheism, I've asked many other atheists and they could not provide any answers. For example does atheism have objective morality? How do atheists logically determine what is right/wrong aka good/bad? I always went by the harm principle, but it looks like atheism harms society so logically wouldn't it be banned? It's really looking like religious people are right, especially Islam. All this time I thought they were just killing atheists for no reason, but they clearly do have a logical reason to ban ideologies like atheism.

Can any atheist answer my questions?



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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Heaven forfend that "David
TheExAtheist's picture
ex-ath*st here, you are on


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Tin-Man's picture
@Hyde Re: "..ath*sm at it's
Nyarlathotep's picture
Samuel Hyde - ...i haven't
Randomhero1982's picture
ex-ath*st here, you are on
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
Dunno what the question is,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sammy
David Killens's picture
Is it coincidence that both
David Killens's picture
David Howitz are you an
DoubtingAtheism's picture
The springer link is a study
David Killens's picture
From my readings of these
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP and the other sock
Nyarlathotep's picture
@David Howitz
Nyarlathotep's picture
Also we shouldn't be
Cognostic's picture
algebe's picture
@David Howitz it looks like
Calilasseia's picture
Care to explain this?
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Calli
Cognostic's picture
@Cali: Thanks for that. I
Sheldon's picture
@David Howitz
xenoview's picture
Grinseed's picture
@ David Horowitz
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My little family of three
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If you wanna talk about
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A few months ago I ran across
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There's something uniquely
David Killens's picture
Mikhael, you are now truly
Mikhael's picture
I recently found a group of
Randomhero1982's picture
I'd rather have a drink and
Simon Moon's picture
It seems that scientifically


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