I'm really curious what conclusions can be made about music and devil?

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Great hope's picture
I'm really curious what conclusions can be made about music and devil?

Watch "Shocking excerpts from Bob Dylan's 60 Minutes Interview-Did he sell his soul?" on YouTube

Watch "Selling SOULS to the Devil: PROOF Lucifer runs the MUSIC INDUSTRY.." on YouTube

It seems to me that these people are not playing around. I've also learned that to acend the ranks you must be willing to offer something, so not everyone is going to get to see the whole rabbit hole. And I've learned that they love mocking us by hiding everything in plain sight. The second law of thermodynamics says that when energy changes from one form to another form, or matter moves freely, entropy (disorder) in a closed system increases. Differences in temperature, pressure, and density tend to even out horizontally after a while. And we can obviously see the entropy that has taken place over the last few decades and with rapid succession in the last few. Most of us older folks don't pay attention to the garbage that "They" are putting out as "#trending", and going straight into these kids through their headphones. But, I deal with some of these next generation of kids and it is becoming undeniable that there is a force of deception and confusion sweeping our world.

Anyway, I would like to hear what you think of this stuff? Do you think that they are lying? Or telling the truth? I don't know which one would be worse?

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Great hope's picture
There symbolism is undeniable


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Sheldon's picture
Love Bob Dylan's music,
Great hope's picture
Ya I know, it's very strange


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Nyarlathotep's picture
Great hope - Or are they all
Great hope's picture
Sheldon's picture
It's not real at all, it's
Sheldon's picture
It's not a confidence, people
David Killens's picture
Everyone takes the same
Grinseed's picture
All these artists mix with
Great hope's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Great hope - Are they crazy?
Sheldon's picture
No they're not crazy, you are
Great hope's picture
Sheldon's picture
"I'm asking what it is and
Great hope's picture


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Sheldon's picture
I don't see what that has to
Great hope's picture
Ya, why would you?
Sheldon's picture
I wouldn't as I said, why
Great hope's picture
Because we've been lied to
Great hope's picture
David Killens's picture
More than one person wrote
Great hope's picture
@David Killens
David Killens's picture
great Hope, I agree that
Great hope's picture
@ David killens
David Killens's picture
I mentioned in a previous
Sheldon's picture
I don't give a fuck if Bob
Tin-Man's picture
@Great Hope Re: "Did you
algebe's picture
Tin-Man's picture
algebe's picture


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