I'm an atheist Jew. I'd love to challenge you

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Rivka's picture
I'm an atheist Jew. I'd love to challenge you

Yes, I'm Jewish! I'm also an atheist (so no Orthodox mishegas with me, even though my dad drives me nuts with that stuff!) My aim? To challenge someone of belief. If you're so right, prove it.



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Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
Loads of Jews are actually
Rohan M.'s picture
I think it’s a problem only
Rivka's picture
True, I just never believed
Rivka's picture
I grow up Reform, but never
Rohan M.'s picture
Wait, aren’t most Reform Jews
Cognostic's picture
Rohan M.'s picture
When I weighed in on his
Meepwned's picture
Popcorn ready!
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Meep! Care for some
Rohan M.'s picture
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Okay. Here I am. So, Rivka. I
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Whippin' up another batch of
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OK, I'm here, but only for
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, everybody! The eggnog is
Rivka's picture
Thanks! I LOVE eggnog!
Tin-Man's picture
Rohan M.'s picture
You’re having a conversation
Rohan M.'s picture
Uhhh... Rat? More than a week
arakish's picture
Got my Orville Reddenbaker
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Choc bombs ready...I will
Grinseed's picture
Welcome Rivka. Great to have
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Hi Rivka!
Cognostic's picture
Oh hell! How did I forget
Asclepius32's picture
I’ve heard a believer say
Rivka's picture
Wow! If there’s no G-d? Does
David Killens's picture
The co-coordinator of all
xenoview's picture
Welcome to AR Rivka! Hope the
rat spit's picture
Looks like I win by default.
Tin-Man's picture
What the....???.... *looking


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