If "God" is so powerful...

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Alembé's picture
If "God" is so powerful...

If "God" is so powerful and the faith of Christians is so strong, why are State legislatures tripping over themselves to pass these discrimonatory religious freedom bills? Say what you will, these are the actions of insecure people running scared.

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CyberLN's picture
It would be fun to move to
ImFree's picture
How dare they not acknowledge
Capt.Bobfm's picture
Especially at an Italian
ThePragmatic's picture
LoL :)
CyberLN's picture
10 points, Bob!
Travis Hedglin's picture
Because they value free will
cmallen's picture
Or a comic store that only
Travis Hedglin's picture
Hurry, Robin, to the Batstore
cmallen's picture
What? You can't do that!
ThePragmatic's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
only thing worse than a non
cmallen's picture
Batmaniacs acknowledge and
ThePragmatic's picture
Well I believe in The Bat man
cmallen's picture
Ben Affleck is the Anti-Bat.
ThePragmatic's picture
I knew it!
cmallen's picture
Disbelievers rot forever in
Ilovequestions's picture
Tolerance is rampant these
mysticrose's picture
Those crazy religious bills
HomunculusThor's picture
cmallen's picture
No we won't, we'll be the
HomunculusThor's picture
I'm sorry to inform you, my
HomunculusThor's picture
correction to last paragraph:
cmallen's picture
Army - Military Police. This
HomunculusThor's picture
I won't take up space on this

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