If God could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt?

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NewFinland's picture
If God could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt?

I'm a Christian honestly wanting to dialogue with an atheist and/or agnostic who would be open to the idea of God if he could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. What would be considered proof and what would enough proof look like?

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xenoview's picture
jamiebgood1's picture
Hi NewFinland
NewFinland's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
NewFinland - What kind of
NewFinland's picture
Thank you. I agree that would
Nyarlathotep's picture
NewFinland - what about the
LogicFTW's picture
"Objective Morality" is a
EvolutionarySolitude's picture
I'd like to talk about
LogicFTW's picture
Are you talking to me or the
sdelsolray's picture
The actual empirical evidence
algebe's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
If the entire human race had
xenoview's picture
JamieB even if the christian
SBMontero's picture
@NewFinland: Sorry, you can
mykcob4's picture
This was tried just last
MCDennis's picture
Would you agree there is No
chimp3's picture
NewFinland: If millenniums of
algebe's picture
Good morning New Finland.
Pitar's picture
Per NewFinland - "If God
algebe's picture
The usual proof offered or
Jacob's picture
What about weeping statues?
chimp3's picture
Weeping statues? Not
Jacob's picture
I was talking about the ones
chimp3's picture
Oh, the Vatican. Gods Resort
algebe's picture
And as for Akita, well I
Jacob's picture
A fair point on the ghost
algebe's picture
@Jacob Cornelius: "Any
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
C'mon JC you live in the same
MCDennis's picture
I literally laughed out loud
algebe's picture
@JacobCorneluis "weeping


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