I'd like to ask a few general questions about Atheism

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alice442's picture
I'd like to ask a few general questions about Atheism

So I have a few questions about Atheism for a project I'm doing. Can anybody answer any/all of these??? Thanks!!
1. What exactly do you mean by "I am an Atheist"?
2. What is Atheism by definition?
3. Can you simplify the definition of Atheism so anyone would understand?
4. What compelled you to become an Atheist? (feel free to skip this if its too personal.)
5. Do you know about the Biblical God?
6. What do you know of the Biblical God?
7. Can you explain evolution to me?
8. Can you LOGICALLY explain evolution to me?
9. Tell me about the missing link in human evolution.
10. How did life start?
11. How do we have DNA?
12. If what you believe is true, that there is no Biblical God or god of any kind, then why do Atheists protest against religion so much?
13. What proof do you have that there is no Biblical God?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
1. Q:What exactly do you mean
Thanimal's picture
Beautifully put.
Matt Wilson's picture
I'm impressed. It looks like
watchman's picture
Well Alice.......
alice442's picture
Dear sir i wasn't trying to
Nyarlathotep's picture
In that case Alice, when don
alice442's picture
Thanks I'll read it, but my
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm kind of joking. For my
cmallen's picture
"I'm really not trying to
sansdeity's picture
Don't worry you didn't offend
boomer47's picture
Bob Webster's picture
Uh, ok. I can only say that I
famousamos's picture
1. What exactly do you mean
Harley Neville's picture
Calm your farm bro. They didn
ImFree's picture
“ What exactly do you mean by
ImFree's picture
The DNA in question 11. is
alice442's picture
thank you this is very
ImFree's picture
Your very welcome : )
ImFree's picture
Here is one more video that
Pitar's picture
I went to a Christian
Anarkhos's picture
Hi, alice442! Thanks for the
alice442's picture
thank you very much!
Travis Hedglin's picture
"1. What exactly do you mean
alice442's picture
thank you!
FazeFilms's picture
"Sure, if the number of gods
Tin-Man's picture
Howdy, Time Traveler. Welcome
SatanistSin's picture
1. What exactly do you mean
stojadinovicp's picture
1. What exactly do you mean
Darth Whitey's picture
1.) I am an atheist means
ceilingcatnz's picture
Hi Alice


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