I’m not an Atheist, Can I talk to One?

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Ddetrick's picture
I’m not an Atheist, Can I talk to One?

Hello, I’m Joe. I have recently come into the fold of Christianity. I am learning to be a philosopher by trade, and I want the world views of others to come into account when I talk with people. Though I am not an atheist now, I was up until recently. I want to learn from people who may be my senior and see what the world is like for an adult atheist in the world. Thank you.

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The_Quieter's picture
Okay what do you want to know
Ddetrick's picture
Anything you’re willing to
The_Quieter's picture
Well you've already made a
Ddetrick's picture
Ok, I can see your point in
Terminal Dogma's picture
Personally never read a book
Ddetrick's picture
They seem to be more proofs
Terminal Dogma's picture
Never read it, the book
Ddetrick's picture
I would agree that the book
arakish's picture
Incurable Doctrine: ...trying
algebe's picture
@Joe: Think of Dawkins’ “The
Sheldon's picture
Atheism is the absence or
The_Quieter's picture
In a world with no religion
Romman_khan's picture
If Atheism is correct. Then
Sheldon's picture
"If Atheism is correct. Then
Ddetrick's picture
Ok, I can see your point in
Terminal Dogma's picture
The world is the same for
Ddetrick's picture
I totally agree. I have read
Terminal Dogma's picture
Why is it possible for minds
Ddetrick's picture
It is serious, and not meant
Terminal Dogma's picture
Could be any of those things
Sheldon's picture
"It is serious, and not meant
Terminal Dogma's picture
Hey Joe........Just wanted to
Adam Anderson's picture
I am more so Gnostic than


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LogicFTW's picture
@Orignal Post /Joe
arakish's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "I must warn
arakish's picture
Cognostic's picture
Hi Joe: Your question seems
Tin-Man's picture
Cog!!! There you are! Was
Cognostic's picture
Final Exams and a Summer


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