(sorry for my bad english)
i am a 18 years old athiest who lives in mostly muslim country.
When i was 16 years old i had depression and my parents thought that i might have a demonic possession so they called a chick to come clean our home and exorcises me.
The chikh came and started cleansing the house by spraying holy water everywhere and reading the quran loudly , after he finished he asked me to lay down on my bad and started screaming the ruqya in my ear and hitting my belly repeatedly (ruqya is reading certain verse of the quran against things like evil eye or jinn possession) , after a few minutes of that ( i nearly became deaf) he stopped and told me what i saw when i closed my eyes , i lied and told him that i saw two eyes hovering over me when i closed them ( just to see what he would do) he got some water , read the quran over it , put it in a water spray and told me to close my eyes and spray wherever i saw the eyes , and so i started spraying randomly and suddenly my mother started screeming from the other room , when we got there she was spazzing and screaming hysterically after that she started attacking the chihk screaming " get him away from me" " go away" the chihk advised us to get her to a clenique that treats demonic possessions with roqya
We took her there and she acted just like the girl in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50zfoDL0IKk .
When someone very religious that believes in demons and angels and other fairy tales and gets exorcised there is a psychological explanation to what happens to them if they start having seizures and hysteria but my mother isn't very religious ( she doesn't even pray five times a day) and she wasn't the subject of the exorcism that day I was.
What am asking is a logical explanation to what happend.
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It sounds like your mother is more sensitive to psychological suggestion then most. She may not be very religious and outwardly seems like a very calm and rational person, but in times of high stress (believing her child may be possessed) she could be open to psychological suggestion. It manifest in weird ways.
When the poltergeist movie released in the US, the demand for exorcisms rose 10 fold, and stayed at increase rates for decades after. Kids would watch it unsupervised on tv, and years later would exhibit poltergeist like actions that almost word for word mimicked the girl in the movie. Psychological suggestion buried in subconscious and memory.
@LogicForTW: "poltergeist movie"
That was "The Exorcist" wasn't it? I remember people fainting and throwing up in cinemas, and all sorts of dire warnings from PedoCath priests. It spawned other increasingly ridiculous franchises like "The Omen". Lots of people died when copycat exorcisms went too far. Projectile vomit and head twisting became major cultural memes.
"Poltergeist" didn't take itself nearly as seriously as priest-centered trash like "The Exorcist."
Yup your right, brain fart, the exorcist. Thanks. Been a long while since I watched that movie or read about it. Should of googled it before I hit "save."
Did you ever watch the extended edition they released many years later, because they had to tame down the original Exorcist as it was too scary?
One of the additional scenes even made me jump a little and that is extremely rare for me even 10 years ago. (I consider every "scary" movie to be comedy gold these days.)
I think I saw the extended version. That's got the "spider walk" hasn't it? I also saw the sequel, which was so bad it was funny, despite (or perhaps because of) Richard Burton.
The only supernatural film I can remember that gave me a bit of chill was "Carrie," specifically the very last scene where the hand comes up out of the grave.
Down the stairs, backwards... yep made me jump.
@misterlister12: I am sure you can come up with a logical explanation if you put your mind to it.
well i am no psychologist
i did try to find some kind of explanation or study before i posted this but most the stuff i found was things that didn't have anything to do with my case or that i couldn't understand and i dont want to be another victim of the blogosphere's pseudoscience
@misterlister: So, you already have a capacity to discern good evidence from bad?
Why would we believe any of this nonsense??
its true that i cannot provide any proof for what i've said , proving what's happened was my last consurn at the time ( at the time i even consider coming back to islam before sky daddy burns me)
so let me put this question in another way : can exorcisem affect people so much that they go in full on hysteria and attack the exorciser and can exorcisem affect people that aren't even the subject of it.
Sure, any performance (and that is what an exorcism is) can produce effects in the audience.
If you want to convince us; you need to document effects that can not be produced by a performance: such as the stuff you see in the movies. Like people turning their heads 360 degrees, people flying around the room, etcetera.
If you want to convince us of the supernatural, you need to produce supernatural effects.
@ misterlister:
I am a psychologist, having said that, we believe in studying the human psyche as it relates to neuropsychological, biological, physical, heredity, substance related, and even religious dispositions. Included in our diagnoses, we consider culture, family history, history of mental illness and many other factors to determine a persons behavior as it relates to state of mind and similarly, to demonic possessions.
In most cases those who claim to be or have been possessed have religious backgrounds and often times also have co-occuring illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. out of those almost 80% have been on some psychotropic, brain altering substance or suffer delusional thinking due to a more serious illness such as Schizophrenia, which also comes with religious content. What I am eluding to here, his in your case called "follie adieu" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folie_%C3%A0_deux
So in other words, the real question here is what has your cultural beliefs encouraged you to believe in, and I ask this because you clearly stated that you faked part of this exorcism. What are your real thoughts and understanding for why you needed to be excorsized? Is it simply you were depressed or going through the normal stages of teenage-hood. It is hard to speculate as a psychologist how to infer culture upon psychology. Depression does clearly not mean you are possessed, at least in the U.S. It is a normal phenomena almost everyone suffers at some point in their lives. Tell me, do you believe you were possessed by a demon or going through a natural emotional struggle over something in your life at that time? Thanks