Humanity's standards of behaviour are a reflection of religion.

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JennyD's picture
Humanity's standards of behaviour are a reflection of religion.

Being nice isn't about being religious. Great. Understood.

But you were still taught a standard way of behavior since you were young which was passed down from those before you...Don't kill, don't steal, be kind.

Putting it simply...your kindness isn't a reflection of religion...but humanity and society's standards of behavior are.

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Sapporo's picture
If you are able to understand
JennyD's picture
What are you on about? Those
Sapporo's picture
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@Jennie Dardis
mykcob4's picture
Not another fucking morality
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@Mrs. Owczarek,
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@Algebe Re: "Religion has
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Of the examples you’ve
LogicFTW's picture
I won't doubt that religion
Armando Perez's picture
" Putting it simply...your
Tin-Man's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
That’s actually not a good
David Killens's picture
"Humans, however, are a
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So the oldest major religion
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Jennie, you wrote, “Putting
Sheldon's picture
"Putting it simply...your
Tin-Man's picture
It is apparent that our dear
Grinseed's picture
Aww crap...I just picked a


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