★★ The human race is inherently atheistic (says simple science)

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ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
★★ The human race is inherently atheistic (says simple science)

Myth God Image Credits: Kerenos, Mtg Art

The human race is inherently atheistic, as we physically shan't believe.


(1) International belief definition:

“To accept as TRUE…..”

(2) International atheism definition:

"To lack belief or to disbelieve in God or gods."

(3) International scientific uncertainty:

We physically shan't believe, as there is uncertainty in any event; that is, we are NOT OMNISCIENT of any event.

So, rather than believe/accept as TRUE, we may regard events as PROBABLY/partially certain.
[ie we shan't believe in anything, and so we shan't believe in God or gods]

(4) Simple terms:

As we are not omniscient, we can't validate/believe (absolutely) whether God's existence is true/absolute.
Thusly, the human race is atheistic.
Author: http://folioverse.appspot.com/
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LoL *thumbs up*
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