Human embryos edited to stop disease

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xenoview's picture
Human embryos edited to stop disease

Scientists have, for the first time, successfully freed embryos of a piece of faulty DNA that causes deadly heart disease to run in families.It potentially opens the door to preventing 10,000 disorders that are passed down the generations.

It makes me stop and think, how soon before designer babies.

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Randomhero1982's picture
Can we remove any DNA that

Can we remove any DNA that makes one believe in made up bollocks?

xenoview's picture
What would constitute made up

What would constitute made up bollocks?

LogicFTW's picture
Depending on ones definition

Depending on ones definition of designer babies, it is already occurring. First through people that have know history of family genetic disease choosing not to have kids (and maybe adopting.)

And two: through sperm banks and surrogate mothers, and maybe even mothers choosing to carry unwanted babies to term because they found willing adoptive parents.

Invitro fertilization and other fertility methods are also screened for healthier eggs and sperm.

All of the above, one way or another people lessen the likelihood of a baby with possible undesirable traits being born. But obviously if true editing occurs that will take it all a step further.

It is not surprising many religious groups are against the idea, hard to say god created you, when someone eye color, height, and other genetic traits was picked out in a lab.

curious's picture
xenoview: "Scientists have,

xenoview: "Scientists have, for the first time, successfully freed embryos of a piece of faulty DNA that causes deadly heart disease to run in families"

I thought the Chinese did it first, or maybe just different disease, oh well
This article below which I read about a year ago states it was the Chinese scientist first who did it in 2015.

"Chinese group led by gene-function researcher Junjiu Huang of Sun Yat-sen University, shows that work has already been done"

"the team tried to modify a gene in a non-viable embryo that would have been responsible for a deadly blood disorder"

mykcob4's picture
If conservaturds would not

If conservaturds would not obstruct stem cell research most if not all diseases would be eradicated.

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