How to shut down street preachers

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ImFree's picture
How to shut down street preachers

Not many souls saved : ) LOL

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chimp3's picture
Funny as Hell! I usually walk

Funny as Hell! I usually walk by street preachers as fast as I can. Annoying turds. If they try to one on one with me then I talk like a Pirate. "Go jump into the Sea of Fire , Christian Dogs!".

ImFree's picture
The cops had a lot of

The cops had a lot of patience listening to both sides. I must admit the student's noise was a bit more irritating than the preacher's sermons. Apparently the preachers wore their welcome out some time ago and the students want to retaliate. I guess time will tell if the preachers decide to return. I have a hunch they will be back. This may be conflict round one.

xenoview's picture
Glad those students stood up

Glad those students stood up to those christians.

algebe's picture

This really makes me mad. These arseholes got a permit to preach in the street subject to certain conditions (no handouts, no amplifiers), so they dishonestly went to a different place and created a nuisance by using amplifiers and handing out their Xtian rubbish. The cops arrested them, but because of a legal technicality, they've been awarded substantial wrongful arrest payouts.

I suppose their god commanded them to lie and cheat and ignore other people's right to a bit of peace and quiet.

ImFree's picture
Ouch! I guess the taxpayer's

Ouch! I guess the taxpayer's get to pick up the tab on these two guys. 8,000 dollars for one and 4,000 for the second. Sounds like the local businesses they preach in front of will have to endure their sermons. Probably affects their customer's store attendance as well.

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