How do you explain out of body experiences?

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pork232's picture
How do you explain out of body experiences?

There have been so many recorded cases of people having OBEs where they hear or see something going on in a different room and then later verify it to be true. One patient that was dying even was able to tell doctors all the steps they took during a surgery while he was "brain dead". I think the best case is Anita Moorjani's case. A woman who recovers from cancer. While she is in a coma, she says that she was able to see and hear what her husband and her doctor were talking about in a different room.
I know that many of these cases are anecdotal, but it seems that it happens to so many people. So many people claim to be able to remember things during these events. Unless, could it be that even during a coma that the.brain is still doing something?

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chimp3's picture
@pork222 : Just a little
Nyarlathotep's picture
pork222 - could it be that
CyberLN's picture
So, you have some anecdotes

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