How Do I Cut Through All the Noise?

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Ilovequestions's picture
How Do I Cut Through All the Noise?

Hey! So my name is Nate and I'm a curious Christian. I love asking people about what they believe.

So my question is how do you all sift through all (or many) of the arguments to form an opinion?

It seems like both sides have a billion arguments and a billion responses to the other side's billion arguments. You have geniuses throughout the ages on both sides... sometimes it hurts my head. I want to believe Christianity is true (naturally), but then y'all seem like you have good arguments. Then I see answers from my side, and then counter-responses from your side...

I just wanna know if any of y'all have had the same problem, and what did you do?

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Pitar's picture
There's the rub.
Ilovequestions's picture
Yeah, it is sad how people
Spewer's picture
Stick more closely with what
watchman's picture
"So my question is how do you
Ilovequestions's picture
Are you asking me, or telling
ImFree's picture
There are 5.1 videos that
Ilovequestions's picture
Love the video! Very well
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Thanks for the link, one of
ImFree's picture
Your welcome, that old saying
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yep even the DNA and the
ThePragmatic's picture
Great videos. Thanks ImFree.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ilovequestion - "I've heard
Travis Hedglin's picture
That is an interesting line
Anarkhos's picture
Ultimately what compels me to
Ilovequestions's picture
That makes sense. Just for
Anarkhos's picture
You would have an
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ilovequestions - "Just for
cmallen's picture
I'm gonna coin the term
Nyarlathotep's picture
Heh, thanks! Yeah I had been
cmallen's picture
God bless special pleading!
Travis Hedglin's picture
Lol, as if it were logical
Johnny Moronic's picture
I have offered every theist a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"So my question is how do you
ceilingcatnz's picture
"Then I see answers from my
Ilovequestions's picture
Thanks for the feedback,
Anarkhos's picture
Its exactly that :)
DesolateProphet's picture
Here are some thoughts.
mysticrose's picture
I had the same confusion,

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