How do Atheists celebrate holidays?

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hwi2's picture
How do Atheists celebrate holidays?

I am new to this forum, so please bare with me. I am curious. I am new to this, but do atheists celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter?

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Serjaydee's picture
I do! Hey, I don't believe in
Zaphod's picture
Exactly, you can celebrate
dtommy79's picture
Now, this is a good question.
Tman127182's picture
Why would any Christian
Zaphod's picture
This is a great point, most
SammyShazaam's picture
Most religions always
catandmouse's picture
I think festivals for Atheist
SammyShazaam's picture
You've got it so much more
Zaphod's picture
Hmmmm Sammy, I don't know if
SammyShazaam's picture
... I'm pretty sure people
atheister's picture
I dont see a connection
Mirta's picture
I think that one can
rider's picture
Now I'm curious about this
SammyShazaam's picture
I respond with Merry
Zaphod's picture
I pretty much respond the
babbsy's picture
I say " Merry Christmas" you
Bendigeidfran's picture
I celebrate Christmas because
mysticrose's picture
Holiday seasons are good
Heather's picture
I have a daughter that's not
Zaphod's picture
That a good answer in my
SammyShazaam's picture
I agree that it's often more
Lauren's picture
Easter is one holiday that I
Zaphod's picture
You should consider
mysticrose's picture
I'm not an atheist but not
SammyShazaam's picture
It's a good way to get
Zaphod's picture
this reminds me of a joke I
firebolt's picture
I usually just go with the
ginamoon's picture
I am also curios for the
DanDare's picture
ginamoon you do know that
mysticrose's picture
Holiday season is great for


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